[ Silence ] >> Kathie Kushto-Reese: I'm Kathie Kushto-Reese. >> Shari Lynn: And I'm Shari Lynn. And today is andrenal parental IV pump tubing. >> Kathie Kushto-Reese: Wipe. Press power on on pump. Remove outer plastic bag of IV solution. Check solution for cloudiness, torbidity, and expiration date. Open IV pump tubing. Remove tab from IV bag. Insert spike into IV bag while keeping spike sterile. With a twisting motion, close roller clamp on IV tubing, hang IV bag on IV pole above the pump. Fill the drip chamber halfway full. Open roller clamp and purge air from tubing. Close roller clamp. Open IV dog and insert tubing. Press tubing in air filter slot. Close door and open roller clamp. Push channel select button A or B. Press rate button. Set patient's IV fluid rate. Press VTBI volume to be infused button. Set volume of fluid to be infused. Flush patient's saline lock after cleaning with alcohol wipe. Connect IV tubing to patient's IV. Press start on pump. Wash hands and document.