[ Silence ] >> Shari Lynn: Hi, I'm Shari Lynn. >> Kathie Reese: And I'm Kathie Reese. And today we're going to learn about intradermal injections. >> Shari Lynn: Wipe. Check date on medication order and verify its accuracy by checking it against the doctor's order. Check for the 6 rights. Right name. Right drug. Right dose. Right time. Right route and right documentation. Check patient's record for any drug allergies and gather equipment. Wash hands. Check label on medication 3 times before administering it. When taking container from shelf, when preparing med, before returning container or before discarding wrapper. Select a 1 cc or tuberculin syringe. Gauge should be 25 or finer and length five-eighths or less. Draw up ordered medication after wiping bottle top. Recap needle. Alcohol injection site. Stretch the skin taut with one hand. Keeping bevel of needle up. Insert so that the bevel is just under the skin about .5 centimeters. Inject medication usually .1 milliliters to .2 milliliters. A raised area bubble will appear forming a wheel with some blanching. Remove syringe. Place in sharps container. Reading will be within 48 to 72 hours.