[ Silence ] >> Shari Lynn: Welcome to foundations of nursing practice. I'm Shari Lynn. >> Kathie Kushto-Reese: And I'm Kathie Kushto-Reese. And today we will be demonstrating intramuscular injections. >> Shari Lynn: Wipe. Check date on medication order and verify its accuracy by checking it against the doctor's order. Check for the 6 rights. Right name, right drug, right dose, right time for administration, right route of administration and then right documentation. Check patient's record for any drug allergies. Gather equipment. Check label on the medication three times before administering it. When taking container from shelf just before removing, before returning container or before discarding wrapper. Draw up prescribed amount of medication. We have selected a 22 gauge 1 inch needle for this average sized patient. Withdrawal needle from vial and recap. Do not use a passive scoop technique with a sterile needle. Select appropriate injection site and use landmarks to determine exact location for injection. Today we are using the ventrogluteal site. Find the anatomical markers using the palm of the hand on the greater trochanter. The pointer finger on the anterior superior iliac spine and the middle finger on the iliac crest. Cleanse injection site with alcohol swab using a circular motion starting at the center and moving outward for about 2 inches. Remove needle cover. Grasp or spread skin with non-dominant and depending on amount of subcutaneous fat and size of patient, holding the syringe between thumb and first 2 to 3 fingers, quickly insert needle at a 90 degree angle using a smooth darting motion. Move non-dominant hand to hold barrel of syringe. Move dominant hand to plunger. Pull back on the plunger and aspirate if blood. If there is a blood return, remove noodle and prepare new injection. If no blood return, inject medication slowly. Withdrawal needle and massage area. Use Band-Aid if necessary. Do not recap the used needle. Dispose of needle in sharps container. Wash hands and document.