>> Hi. This is Shari Lynn. Welcome to Foundations of Nursing Practice. And today we're going to review subcutaneous administration of Heparin. Wipe. [ Pause ] Check date on medication order and verify its accuracy by checking it against the doctor's order. Check for the six rights; right name, right drug, right dose, right time, right route, right documentation. Check patient's record for any drug allergies. Gather equipment [ Gathering Equipment ] Wash Hands. Check label on the medication three times before administering it; when taking container from shelf; when preparing medication; before returning container or before discarding wrapper. Withdraw Heparin using a 1 or 3 cc syringe depending on volume. Usual dose is 5,000 units per ML. [ Withdrawing Heparin ] After withdrawing the correct amount of medication, recap and place a new 25-gauge 5/8ths inch needle onto the syringe. [ Working with Syringe ] Remembering to dispose of old needle and Sharps container. [ Pause ] Draw .1 cc to .2 ccs of air into the syringe. [ Working with Air in Syringe ] And invert the syringe so that the bubble will follow the Heparin out of the syringe. Wipe injection site with alcohol. [ Wiping Injection Site ] Using abdomen as preferred site. Pinch injection site. Administer medication, releasing site after removing needle. Have second nurse verify dose if hospital policy requires. Place syringe in Sharps container. Do not aspirate for blood. Do not massage area after withdrawing needle. Wash hands and document.