>> Shari Lynn: Hi. Today we're going to learn the skill of tracheal suctioning. Wipe. Gather equipment. Place patient in Semi-Fowler's position, if possible. Attach Ambu bag to oxygen and turn meter to 10 to 15 liters of oxygen. Set suction meter to 80 to 120 millimeters of mercury, medium, for attached suction. Be sure all suction tubing is connected. Don clean gloves. If there is an assistant who assists with bag mask ventilation, the assistant will need to wear gloves and face shield as well. Don eye protection face shield. Remove tray collar, if present. Discard non sterile clean gloves in red bag. Open sterile suction kit on a clean surface. Remove catheter from sterile basin and place on sterile field. If kit contains sterile container, lift container from bottom and place outside of sterile field. Lift sterile saline and pour in to container. Don sterile gloves. Attach suction catheter to suction tubing after wrapping sterile catheter in dominant hand which will remain sterile, and connecting tubing in non dominant hand which will now become clean, not sterile. Submerge tip of catheter in to sterile saline in sterile basin and briefly place finger of non dominant hand over suction port, producing suction to check efficacy of equipment and lubricate catheter. Hyperoxygenate patient as needed. With assistance of second person, if available. With dominant hand, insert catheter in to tracheostomy no further than 1 centimeter past end of tube, approximately 2 to 3 inches, keeping non dominant hand off suction port. Place finger of non dominant hand over suction port intermittently and rotate catheter in dominant hand between thumb and forefinger as catheter is withdrawn. Do not remain in airway greater than 10 to 15 seconds. Repeat steps as needed no greater than 3 times per session. Dispose of gloves and suction catheter in red bag by pulling glove over catheter. Wash hands. And document.